Forging Scraper/Flight Bar of Coal Mine Conveyor System

Forging Scraper/Flight Bar of Coal Mine Conveyor System

Haojiang steel structure logistics park,Wuzhi County,JiaozuoCity,Henan Province,China – [??] ??? – 中国, 其它地区15038176133Facebook
产业 > 机械,发动机,设备,控制论系统,激光物理学...
[??] ???.
50 Crossings是一切
[??] ??? (中国, 其它地区) - 阿尔汉格尔斯克 (俄罗斯)[??] ??? (中国, 其它地区) - Traducir del: vietnamita 保禄 (越南)

Henan Shuangzhi Machinery is a set of production and sales as one of the scraper manufacturers, scraper production scraper variety, high quality, scraper and other coal accessories for the mining areas.

Scraper manufacturers Henan Double - chi machinery production of what scraper? At present, we mainly take the fully mechanized mining scraper scraper mainly, the general mining relatively do less. Fully mechanized coal mining 630 scraper and above models of scraper are done, only 40 scraper scraper also do some. The main engine plants involved are mainly Zhangjiakou, Benniu mainly, shan mine machinery, Shan coal machinery, Linzhou, Xinzhou and so on are also involved, but do not have many specifications and models. Of course, some customers will also feedback that the scraper you make is so complete, why don't you have the scraper I asked? Actually this question is easy to understand, although we are scraping plate scraper, scraper type model is also a lot of, but it doesn't mean we can do all of the scraper, all this is not the reality, which manufacturer is, whether there are some products are no drawings or moulds, but our factory can according to customer demand intention for drawings or cast mould, of course, negotiate the specific details need to communicate with the customer.

Such as scraping plate plate factory, double of henan machinery has been main scraping machine accessories, from scraper, bolt, wheel component, to the cylinder, cylinder, etc., as the market and their own development needs, our factory will continuously improve product types and specifications, to provide clients with rich supply of goods, meet the demand of customer supply and production, welcome new and old customers advisory cooperation.

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Forging Scraper/Flight Bar of Coal Mine Conveyor System Forging Scraper/Flight Bar of Coal Mine Conveyor System Forging Scraper/Flight Bar of Coal Mine Conveyor System